harini saya nak cerita psl nak memperbaharui insuran nyawa encek BuJaL yang dikasihi (sblm aku menduakan beliau)..
entry kali ini khas kepada mereka-mereka yang bajet hebat di jalan raya tetapi tak reti nak renew insuran kereta dan road tax macam aku.. jika anda orangnya, teruskan membaca.. kalau dah reti, p belajar parking keta kt column tengah tu..
ok, ini adalah tahun kedua saya nak renew insuran nyawa encek BuJaL. tahun lepas ada orang lain tolong buatkan. taun lepas saya guna takaful ikhlas (if i'm not mistaken).. ingat taun ni nak tes etiqa.. (bleh tes² ke?) so kali ni ingat nak buat sendiri sbb nak tau camner insuran itu dibuat.. (ayat mcm jiran sebelah daaa..)
selama ni saya sendiri tak tau apa yang dikaver dlm insuran tu. yg saya tau cuma bawak dan hantar pi servis
setelah nmpk ada tanda2 bermasalah (kes tak brapa nak ikut schedule la ni).. setelah membuat sedikit tinjauan secara maya, mai saya terangkan serba sedikit cara merenew insuran kereta dan road tax.
1. First you need to renew the car insurance : Step 1 to 4
STEP 1 : Tell your agent the Sum Insured (RM), Car cubic capacity (CC), Car Year Made, Your age, Past 2 years claim's experience, NCD (No Claim Discount)
NCD details , Car Made ( Proton, Honda), Car Model (Wira 1.3 A, Accord 2.0)
STEP 2 : Optional coverage like Wind Screen, Audio, Flood, Riot, Legal Liability and etc
STEP 3 : Car registration details (kindly follow the JPJ Registration details)
Vehicle Number / No. Pendaftaran Kenderaan - (eg WHU 1234)Vehicle Registration Card Number / No Siri - (eg 8204123)Owner's detail / Pemunya - (eg Name, IC Number, Mailing Address & Contacts)Engine and Chasis Number / No. Enjin dan Chasis - (eg 5S-1234567 / eg 53SK200X712345)Engine capacity / Keupayaan Enjin - (eg 2164 S.P)STEP 4 : Your correspondence and payment details and wait for your agent confirmation advice by e-mail and SMS
STEP 5 : e-Cover Note will be issued and sent to JPJ online upon clearance of payment. You wil receive a copy of the ecover note via e-mail or by post (upon request). Your car is insured once the e-cover is issued.(During working days the estimated time to issue an e-cover is around 15 - 30 minutes)
2. Once you have renewed your car insurance, you can renew your road tax by the following method
METHOD 1 : At the nearest Post Office or JPJ Office (for those who are holding the JPJ Registration Card)
METHOD 2 : Inform the Bank to renew your road tax. Some bank will debit the amount to your loan repayment
METHOD 3 : Get assistance from "runners" to assist you.
METHOD 4 : Log on to JPJ online system
Note : Kindly make sure there is no outstanding traffic summon!!ekceli ini aku copy paste dari web
ni.. dia provide service utk renew insuran. kalau korang pi sendiri tempat insuran tu, ada beberapa item kt atas yang tak perlu dibuat.. piker la sendiri.. letih plak nak eksplen.. hahaha..
ok, seterusnya.. camner plak nak kira value insuran yang sepatutnya dibayar? oh.. very the kacang pis..
mai masuk sini plak -->
pengiraan jumlah derma kt insuran kampeniadehhh..
pada pandapatan saya, additional coverage utk windscreen (cermin keta) amat penting.. kot2 cermin terkena batu ke kan.. jangan plak saja2 baling batu kt cermin sbb nak bagi pecah.. tu ibarat memecahkan tabung bank anda.. cuba try test la kalau berani..
kepada yang ada pengalaman dan tips2 berguna, bleh la kongsi2 kat sini.. saya budak baru belajar, kalau salah tolong tunjukkan..
dan jangan pula dijolokkan.. ahaks..!
ok.. cukup dulu setakat ni.
nak study jap..
(mana nak stat dulu ni..?)
>> aduyai.. time tgh pembajetan ni plak la nak kena servis keta.. ada sapa yg baik nak derma? hehe..